Monday, October 22, 2018
Food Medicine
Seven Key Nutrient-Rich Fruits
Most people know that calcium is good for bones, fiber is beneficial for the digestive system, and iron makes up part of the hemoglobin, a protein needed to transport oxygen from the lungs to our body tissues is found in spinach, beans, and broccoli. So let me take you beyond the basics. When I was in school, college to be exact, it seems that every time information was about to be dispensed that was worth remembering, or bound to show up on a test, was always followed by the words "there will be a quiz." The information in this post is about some of the key fruits we eat that are healthy steps to looking and feeling better and in my opinion, worth remembering and worth taking note, information so useful I feel like using the words, there will be a quiz!
Fruit is a great way to start eating more nutrition and eating at least five to nine servings can make a big difference in the way you feel. We'll take a look at some of the most nutritious fruits and why they are so good for you starting with the apple. A is for Apple and that's good enough for me remembering the old Sesame Street days. We have all heard the expression, "an apple a day keeps the doctor away". This might not be entirely true, but eating apples is a great way for you to get the fiber we all need in our diet. Apples are delicious and available all year around. This fruit also contains pectin and that aids in lowering bad cholesterol. They are also known to contain flavonoids that are beneficial in fighting cancer. It is better to eat a fresh apple rather than drink apple juice. The reason behind this is that some of the nutrients and important minerals may be lost during the apple juice processing.
Apricots also start with the letter "A" but there was no Sesame Street song about this one so let's move on. The apricot is loaded with zinc, folic acid, vitamins A and K, calcium and protein. They are also very high in beta-carotene, potassium, and fiber. Apricots are often found on the top ten lists for fruits and you can find them freshly picked, canned or dried. Eating dried apricots will provide you with an excellent source of essential nutrients. Use caution when purchasing dried apricots, it is good to read the label to avoid those dried apricots that are laden with chemicals and preservatives. The best place to purchase dried apricots or any other dried fruit is from a health food store or a natural market. Apricots can provide you with the valuable nutrients you need in order for your body to perform in peak condition.
What makes a fruit a fruit are their seeds so you'd be surprised at how many people mistakenly think of avocados as a vegetable when in reality they are a fruit too. In fact, an avocado is considered a "super fruit" and is loaded with zinc, riboflavin, thiamin, and niacin to name just a few of the important nutrients that an avocado has. Avocados are great for growing kids. Those who are conscious of their weight may want to forgo avocados because of their high-calorie content. They also have a high fat count, but it is the heart-healthy monounsaturated fats such as the Omega 3 fatty acid, an important brain food. Avocados can be eaten fresh after they have been peeled or can be made into guacamole, just add a little garlic, onions, and tomatoes.
Bananas make great food medicine because are high in potassium and can help those of us who take such medications as diuretics which are known to deplete the potassium from your body. They are easily mashed for easy consumption for babies and toddlers and because you have to peel one before you eat it, they will not contain the pesticides that many other fruits are vulnerable to. A banana is a handy snack for eating on the go and keeping a supply of them in your home will make snack time a snap.
For many years, blueberries have been thought of as a tasty summertime treat. We now know that blueberries can pack a lot of punch because of the anthocyanin, a cancer-fighting antioxidant that can be found in the skin. They are a tasty addition to any health-conscious person's diet and can make many other foods even tastier with their addition. You can add blueberries to a salad, cereal or ice cream or use them to make your fruit smoothie even more delicious. Adding blueberries to your diet whether fresh or frozen is a great nutritional step for you to take.
Cantaloupes are not only juicy and delicious; they are high in potassium, vitamin C and beta-carotene. Melon that is fresh can be enjoyed in a variety of ways and is nutrition that is tasty as well as good for you. There are other varieties of melon, but cantaloupe is a melon that you can trust to give you the healthy nutrients you need.
Eating grapefruit has long been a staple of dieters. It is a fruit that is high in fiber yet low in calories. The best grapefruit for you is the red or pink type. So if you have a choice, opt for these instead of the white variety. There is a lot of fiber packed into the strings that attach the grapefruit segments, so do yourself a favor and don’t use a spoon to scoop out the tasty flesh.
I suppose if there was a quiz, from me to you about these food medicines it would simply be to find out which of these fantastic fruits best suits your personal body chemistry? Listening for any sign of allergy and if there are none say try to incorporate each of these nutrient-rich fruits listed above into your diet. Should you need more information about the fruits listed above today's technology even makes quizzing me unnecessary and okay to cheat. Google it. :-)
Sunday, October 14, 2018
Reason Marijuana Should be Legal
A lot of people feel that Marijuana, also referred to as cannabis and pot, is helping fund the war on terror, but making a war on drugs and keeping Marijuana illegal has not stopped millions of Americans from smoking pot on a daily bases. However, if you focus only on the negative you lose sight of the good cannabis does regularly like the pain relief, appetite building, and cancer-treatment qualities medical marijuana has.
So what is the answer? Let me start by saying that I have never used marijuana for medical or any other purpose, but I can't help but feel that if at some point in my life this drug did become necessary, for medical reasons, I would hope there would be no legal hurdles standing between me/my doctor and this already tested alternative treatment.
So what is the answer? Let me start by saying that I have never used marijuana for medical or any other purpose, but I can't help but feel that if at some point in my life this drug did become necessary, for medical reasons, I would hope there would be no legal hurdles standing between me/my doctor and this already tested alternative treatment.
First, why is Marijuana illegal? Well, it seems that in the 1930's, News Paper Publisher William Randolph Hearst, who had significant financial interests in the timber industry testified to Congress on the evils of marijuana, saying things like marijuana can make people insane and commit acts of cannibalism? Where the heck he got his data no one knows, but what is known is that back in the 1930's very few knew what cannabis/marijuana was. Anyway, to stop people from going insane and cannibalizing each other Congress decided to make the use of marijuana illegal.
It's been my experience that you don't need to use cannabis to know a cannabis user so in my lifetime (especially when I lived my life as a musician) I have known many marijuana users and not once have I ever heard of any of them cannibalizing or scarfing down anything but snack food. And to date, I have heard of no report that tells of anyone using medical marijuana going insane. I would guess though, that for every person that uses medical marijuana legally, and in the right way, there are abusers who abuse this drug.
In Mr. Randolph Hearst's case, I found out that he was actually driven by an ulterior motive. His reason for dissing cannabis may have been because many paper manufacturers at that time were thinking of changing from using trees to make paper to using hemp because it was cheaper and easier to grow, not to mention better for the environment. Hearst stood to lose millions so he used his influence and testimony to help get marijuana, the source of hemp, banned in the U.S.
So now that we know why marijuana was made illegal I think we should also keep in mind that alcohol was once made illegal and like the drug kingpins of today, back then people like Al Capone became rich and famous selling unregulated, untested bootleg alcoholic beverages. Once alcohol was legalized the bootlegging empire collapsed on a commercial scale.
I theorized that the same thing would happen when cannabis is made legal on a federally commercial scale, and not only result in putting drug smugglers of cannabis out of business, but we could avoid the cutting down of millions of trees every year for paper products that can be made better from hemp, which by the way comes from the same plant as cannabis. And what about the medical benefits that come from marijuana?
I theorized that the same thing would happen when cannabis is made legal on a federally commercial scale, and not only result in putting drug smugglers of cannabis out of business, but we could avoid the cutting down of millions of trees every year for paper products that can be made better from hemp, which by the way comes from the same plant as cannabis. And what about the medical benefits that come from marijuana?
Cannabis is an effective pain reliever and cancer treatment, the herb has also been proven to slow down the spread of Alzheimer's in the elderly and relieves the pressure behind the eye from glaucoma. There is even proof that marijuana provides relief from migraine headaches. Hemp, one of the byproducts of cannabis, was used during WWII for the rigging on parachutes, and as material for uniforms. Hemp can be used to make rope with thousands of other potential uses affected by the prohibition on cannabis; making it hard to exploit hemp's potential because of marijuana's illegal status.
If you've been here on earth for a while you probably know that marijuana is not illegal everywhere, several states have laws that legalize cannabis use, however, marijuana is still outlawed due to federal laws creating a problem for state legalized cannabis businesses. Banks are regulated by the federal government limiting business' in the cannabis industry to relatively few banks that will accept their business, with some of those banks forced to do business under another company name. The problems for marijuana businesses, medical and recreational, extend to their insurance and payroll because these business necessities also follow federal law and must operate in fear of losing government contracts, being penalized, or shut down due to serving cannabis businesses.
The truth of the marijuana matter is that legalization is inevitable. The attitude of people has changed so drastically over the last 30 years that hopefully eventually, the federal prohibition on marijuana
will go the way of the federal prohibition on alcohol with younger generations of Politian’s starting to take over. Marijuana
will eventually become legal because the younger generation will understand the truth, cannabis can be a good source of federal income, while at the same time putting drug smugglers out of business and freeing up law enforcement forces to focus on terrorist and other villains.
Hopefully, their collective wisdom will also show them that just like the ban on alcohol; putting a ban on something only makes the market for it stronger.
Marijuana for medical reasons
Thursday, October 11, 2018
Creating a Beautiful Garden
Creating a beautiful garden
There is enormous fulfillment when it comes to creating your own garden plan -- I have found the fulfillment, for me, comes from relaxing or entertaining in the garden as well as the pleasure that comes from a job well done, if I do say so myself. The effort that you expend in planning and executing a design unique to you will add to the enjoyment your garden will provide for, you and others, years to come.
Let me share with you some of the best ways I have learned how to begin to create a garden space that is unique to you? The following are ten simple steps that will help you move through the garden planning process.
1. Give some thought WHY you want a garden.
Who else will enjoy the garden? Will this be your own private little secret garden, or can you imagine hosting parties there? How will you use it? Will you have an herb garden; grow food, flowers, or perhaps all of the above? If you have a family, like I do, keep in mind that you may not be the sole inhabitant of your new garden, so get input from all family members on how your outdoor space will be used.
2. Dream a little.
A little dreaming will uncover those attributes that will put your personal imprint on the garden. Now that you have decided on exactly why you want a garden and how you intend to use it, let your imagination play with all the possible features in your special space. Formal gardens are highly structured, divided by a strong central axis and cross axes. Informal gardens have a more natural look with strong, flowing curves. For my outside garden, I went with the informal theme.
3. put together a list of "must haves"
Listing your needs up front ensures that your final plan won't be missing anything important. Will you need a privacy fence, or will you need a retaining wall, a pathway to the garage, or perhaps more parking space? What about pets, or a place to play? Make a note of everything that you consider essential in your proposed garden area, your final design should balance dream features and "must haves" to create a satisfying and functional garden.
4. The essentials you already have.
It really does help to know your starting point to get where you are going, garden-plan-wise. What is essential and stays and what is unnecessary, and has to go. Is your space large or small? Is the site flat or sloping? What is the climate? What type of soil do you have? How much water is available and from what sources? What are the predominate views? This list of questions is not meant to be a show stopper, but the more consideration given to your garden setup the easier it will be to maintain.
5. Your estimated budget.
Once you have determined everything that is necessary to begin developing your garden it's time to consider what you are willing to spend. The dollar figure for your garden will influence what features you include in the final garden plan -- landscape materials, plants, trees and architectural elements such as fountains, benches, or an arbor.
Remember that your "budget" may need to take into consideration two elements: Money and Time. In terms of time, does the garden need to be completed by a certain date or will you (like me) intend to build your garden over time and in stages? Another time consideration is how much time are you willing to budget to maintain your dream garden? Can you spare several hours a week or are you lucky enough to afford to pay someone to take care of your garden for you? Being as flexible as you can be will help, because you may need to spend more money if you can't spend the time and vice versa.
6. I think it's a good idea to identify the focal point of your garden
Every garden needs an eye-catching spot that causes you to pause a moment. Choosing a focal point focuses on the point you want visitors to look when they enter your garden. Did your list of "wants" include a waterfall or fountain, a garden sculpture, or an arbor retreat? Perhaps even a blossoming apple tree? If so, you are well on your way to identifying a focal point -- or points -- for your garden.
7. Make a rough design.
Take all the information that you've gathered and, incorporate it into a workable design that balances the "wants" with the "must haves". Create a space that is both satisfying and functional.
Use a pad of graph paper that contains 8 or 10 squares per inch and let each square equals one foot. (In other words, every square inch on the paper will equate to 8 or 10 feet on your property.) Create a basic map with your property lines and house drawn to scale.
Also have on hand some tracing paper, markers, a tape measure, a ruler, a pencil and a good eraser. Lay the tracing paper over your basic scaled map. Then refer back to your list of "must haves" and "wants" as you sketch the various areas of your garden. Show the approximate position of focal points, activity areas ("rooms") and pathways. Use as many sheets of tracing paper as necessary until you find a layout that pleases you and meets the goal that you identified back in Step 1.
8. Pick your plants and landscape.
The colors and materials that you choose will create the character of your garden, adding interest, movement, and visual appeal. Do you want harmonious colors or strong contrast, warm hues or cool tones, bold colors, or soft hues? Give your garden a strong sense of space by mixing different colors and materials and textures. In addition to plants, hardscape materials contribute variety and texture -- wood arbors, brick borders, gravel paths, bronze statue, and wrought-iron benches.
As you review your preliminary layout, consider the best material for each of the hardscape elements like brick, or rocks, to incorporate into your landscape. Try to make sure that each element fits with and compliments the whole. For example, a terrace constructed of the same material as the house unifies while railroad ties around a formal garden create discord.
9. Make a scale drawing.
So far, you have created a basic map of property lines and your house as well as an overlay sheet that shows focal points, "rooms" and pathways. You also have a list of the trees, shrubs, and plants for each area of your garden. Now you need to create a scale drawing that shows exactly where each feature will go. You will use this blueprint to lay the walkways, set the arbors and trellises, and plant the trees, shrubs, and flowers.
It is important that you have enough information to help you create in reality the garden that you just designed on paper. As long as your scale drawing or blueprint is in, sufficient scale to accomplish that purpose, you will be successful.
10. Just before you start to build.
Be sure to check all local building codes and regulations, before you get started, to make sure that you will be in compliance. Structures such as decks, patios and retaining walls may require a permit from the local city government. Once all permits are in place, you can start to lay out the garden.
When you are finally ready to execute your garden building design and with your scale drawing as a blueprint, use a tape measure to position all structures, walkways, and plants. Be sure to measure accurately so each element in your design fits its assigned space.
If designing a garden space sounds a bit intimidating, don't panic. Just follow these steps one by one and let a garden space unfold that feels right to you. Believe me when I say that starting your own garden can be done! Don't be afraid to grow your own flowers, herbs, or food no matter how elaborate, or simple your garden space.
Sunday, October 7, 2018
Green Tea Health
Green Tea Health
Green Tea has recently undergone a surge in popularity here in America and around the world even though this tea has always been popular in Japan, China, and Taiwan.
Green Tea has historically been thought to possess special healing properties that have been in many instances confirmed through modern-day research. Findings that prove when consumed on a regular basis (daily) green tea does indeed possess undeniable health benefits and has shown positive effects with neurodegenerative illnesses like Alzheimer's, or Multiple Sclerosis, Cancer, High Blood Pressure to name a few of the illnesses green tea is said to help.
In my opinion, this makes green tea is one of the most health beverages on earth. Alzheimer's a disease that mostly affects the elderly gradually causing memory to be reduced until there is sometimes nothing familiar about their environment. One cup of green tea a day can protect against Alzheimer's and Parkinson disease the leading cause of dementia.
Cancer (the uncontrolled growth of cells in the body) is one of the most devastating illnesses in the United States. Researchers have sought a way to prevent and cure the disease. Chemotherapy, various other forms of medication and Radiation are currently used to treat Cancer. Green tea could reduce your risk of cancer because of the protective effect the antioxidants contained in Green Tea. This Tea is made from un-oxidized leaves and tends to be a little on the bitter side, however, a little sugar or honey can overcome the bitter taste.
Arthritis, a painful ailment that affects the body’s joints, can make it painful to walk, stand up or make even the slightest movements, while there is no known cure for arthritis; green tea is believed to aid in its treatment.
MS (Multiple Sclerosis) is also a very painful illness that gradually takes away usage of movement. Green tea
is thought to possibly aid in the treatment of MS. I believe the word "possible" was used because not everyone responds the same way (if at all) to green tea when used as a cure. Once you are in the curative stage your doctor should be involved, for sure. It would appear to me that green tea is best used as a preventative measure, to stave off disease, by maintaining the healthiest lifestyle possible.
Other pluses associated with the regular use of green tea relate to things like skincare, a lower risk of type II diabetes and cardiovascular disease, the lowering of hypertension or high blood pressure, depression, and the lowering of your weight, or weight loss, all things that can affect and in some cases prevent a healthy lifestyle.
For a beverage that was used in ancient medicine, offers so many health benefits and does not require a prescription, if you haven’t already tried it green tea deserves a try. I'm into preventative health measures when it comes to my health so green tea sounds like a good idea to me.
Green Tea Health,
health tips
Tuesday, October 2, 2018
What's in Coconut Butter?
What's in Coconut Butter?
Coconut butter, also commonly referred to as Coconut oil, is a fat made up of more than 90% saturated fat. As its name implies, this oil is obtained from coconuts and is commonly used for cosmetics, as a baking ingredient, and cooking oil. The Philippines is the world’s largest exporter of Coconut oil and receives 7% of its total export income from coconut oil export alone.
Coconut oil is rich in a fatty acid and has a reputation for being among the more stable of all vegetable oils. So let's take a closer look at this fantastic food that is not only popular for the reasons listed above but is also commonly used for cosmetics.
Many consider it to be a healthy product, which may increase metabolism and improve the bodies ability to fight illness by reinforcing the bodies immune system. For whatever the reason once an immune system becomes weakened the body becomes susceptible to a wide range of illnesses, to maintain a healthy lifestyle, the bodies immune system must remain strong. It is essential to take the necessary steps to rebuild a weak immune system in order to protect the body from illness and disease.
Some of the information I have been able to find about the use of coconut oil is confusing because coconut oil is also high in saturated fat, some believe that it may increase the likelihood of possible diabetes, cardiovascular and/or heart disease. In contrast, there are reports of lower rates of heart disease in international populations who consume large quantities of coconut oil which tends to make the health effect news for the use of coconut oil both good and bad. So as for using coconut oil as a food, my data gathering will continue.
For uses of coconut oil, other than food or a supplement the news is more positive since coconut oil is used for hairstyling in India, and used as a skin moisturizing coconut oil has deemed both effective and safe when used in connection with skin care. Coconut oil gets a big positive where the skin is concerned some users have actually reported improvements in certain skin conditions like eczema, a very uncomfortable rash that develops in the form of small blister-like lesions that are both painful and may result in scarring.
So as to what exactly is in Coconut Butter
As I pointed out my exploration into the healing properties of coconut oil will continue prompting perhaps a follow-up post when I can add to this information. As always please do not mistake any of my ponderings and the information shared in my blog as medical advice or as a professional recommendation. My blog posts are intended for information purpose only. Let your own personal physician or dermatologist be your source when seeking diagnosis or treatment for any kind of skin condition or illness.
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