I have enjoyed a good cup of coffee in the morning for a long time, in college and through my working career, coffee had been a very good bone warmer in my time spent out on the water boating on a cold morning or a stormy night. I have always looked at the number one hot beverage on earth, as far as I'm concerned, as the feel-good, soul-warming drink it was. Not once did I ever consider any health effects coffee might have, aside from keeping me from falling asleep when I was doing something that needed all of my attention like piloting or driving. Recently I have begun to learn about some of the health benefits of caffeine
Like any drug pharmaceutical or fresh off the tree, there are side-effects so before I get too deep into the positive health effects associated with coffee, let me start by saying that coffee seems to work it's health magic because it affects heartbeat, breathing, and mood to mention a few. If you suffer from high blood pressure coffee might pose a problem, on the other hand, if you suffer from low blood pressure coffee might provide some relief from low blood pressure
To date, all of the physical effects I have experienced from coffee have been positive health-wise. Depending on where your health conditions and concerns might fall along the coffee pros and con link here are a few of the more positive effects drinking coffee can have. Coffee
I'll have to try another coffee fast, and see what happens for a personal research followup; a side note all of coffee's
Add in the fact that during most mornings I have long noticed an improvement in my short-term memory, my attention span, and concentration, on the days I start off with coffee. For those of you who are on the fence when it comes to including coffee in your day, I would have to say that the pluses (the positives) outweigh the negatives when it comes to whether or not to give coffee a try if you haven's already. The brewed coffee
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