Sunday, January 13, 2019

Honey and Baking Soda

As natural remedies become more popular for providing a health-boost and in many cases a natural home treatment for infractions, this post was put together to provide the recipe and information about using the combination of honey, and baking soda.  These two ingredients honey and baking soda, which is also sometimes called bicarbonate of soda, work just as well today as they did when the Romans used this natural medicine hundreds of years ago to destroy parasites, bacterial infections, as well as viral and fungal infections. The Baking Soda alkalizes the body and cleanses toxins from the digestive system reducing inflammation in the body. Honey is a natural sugar and more easily absorbed by the body than processed sugar. Processed sugar can worsen cancer and contribute to more inflammation and pain. The health benefits from this combination of honey and baking soda have the potential to fight cancer.

One of the reasons this combination of ingredients is often used as a natural remedy for cancer is that it does not interfere with prescription medication. This combination of ingredients is said to work best when you reduce your overall use of sugar, wheat, and dairy products. By avoiding sugar, wheat, and dairy there will be a more complete lowering of the inflammation in the body, avoiding sugar, wheat and dairy will also give your body the best chance to absorb all of the nutrients from the honey baking soda mixture. Bringing down the inflammation in the body allows cells to begin more naturally healing themselves. Important note, be sure to only use baking soda, and not baking powder like the person writing this blog post did.

The oxidative stress, an imbalance between the production of  free radicals and the ability of the body to counteract or detoxify their harmful effect on the body, can also be reduced using this mixture of ingredients and that can boost brain function to provide you with the feeling of more energy and give your bodies metabolism a boost. The mixture of honey and baking soda can also be used to treat cardiovascular disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and to treat autoimmune disorders. Your skin will look healthier due to the honey mixed with baking soda combination's ability to reduce the effects of aging by diminishing free radicals. You can help this process along by keeping your body well hydrated by drinking your daily recommended amount of water or at least try to replace the amount of fluid you urinate on a daily basis with the same amount of H-2-0 (water).

So here is what you will need: one tablespoon of baking soda, three tablespoons of organic honey or the highest quality honey you can find. Remember don't use baking powder, use baking soda. You'll also need a small clean jar with a top. It's best to make this mixture fresh daily, add the above ingredients to a saucepan, heat for about 10 minutes, stirring constantly, without allowing it to boil. Let the mixture cool before placing it into your glass jar. Take the mixture for one month, take one tablespoon, four times a day. As always and even though this combination is said to be safe with or without prescription drugs, let me say again, let your doctor make the final judgment with regard to any new treatments or remedies you decide to take on especially if you are already taking prescription meds.

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